Since 1993
Kousouris Bros. Wholesale Produce has been serving the Baltimore area since 1929. We stock over 200 items and have access to over 500 specialty items with a 24-48 hour notice and deliver six days a week. We pride ourselves on serving quality produce at a reasonable price. We don’t take any short cuts where quality is concerned and stand behind behind every item we sell. If you are not 100% satisfied, we will replace it, no questions asked. We know that the secret to great customer service is no secret at all: Our friendly, “customer comes first” service will bring them back every time. And we carry that philosophy with us on every delivery we make. That's why we are Baltimore's best wholesale produce delivery.
Thank you for considering Kousouris Bros. Produce, where we take pride in our job!
Best Baltimore Wholesale Produce
Baltimore produce delivery

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